美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh),简称“匹大”(PITT),成立于1787年,是一所公立研究型大学,美国最早的十所大学之一。其主校区位于宾夕法尼亚州第二大城市匹兹堡,与卡内基梅隆大学隔街相对,各学院分布在奥克兰区,地理位置优越。校训格言是“真理与美德”,吉祥物是美洲豹。匹兹堡大学
Round 1:2022年06月15日(春)
Round 2:2022年11月01日(春)
Round 3:2022年12月15日(夏)
匹兹堡大学信息科学Master of Science in Information Science隶属于信息学院。
Job Description
The Neuroapoptosis Laboratory in the Department of Neurological Surgery seeks a highly skilled molecular biologist.Functioning independently with strong molecular biology skills,the Postdoctoral/visiting scholar Associate will design,organize and conduct highly specialized and advanced neuroscience experiments including developing new protocols in addition to implementing established ones.美国硕博留学
Duties assigned to this position may involve organizing and implementing complex research plans,developing research methodologies,as well as data collection,analysis,and evaluation.Furthermore,the Postdoctoral Associate will summarize findings and publish results in research journals,submit fellowship applications,contribute to PI grant applications,assume general responsibility for scientific laboratory operations and provide supervision and guidance to junior technicians,students,and researchers.The duties will require independent discretion and judgment in carrying out research activities within the predetermined research scope and methodology.
Qualifications or Expectations:
A doctoral degree(Ph.D.)in biomedical science/biomechanical engineering with a strong emphasis on molecular biology.
Ability to fulfill the academic writing requirements for scientific publications.
Ability to generate new ideas and links and builds upon existing ideas to generate unique concepts and solutions.
Cover letter detailing molecular biology skills and experience is required as part of the application.
Demonstrated expertise in molecular biology including cloning,primer design and optimization,sequencing,and gene editing including but not limited to CRISPR technology.
Demonstrated understanding of the requirements for successful execution of a research project.
Experience using small rodents in research is preferred but not required.
Opportunities Available:
Expectation of,and support for,writing independent postdoctoral fellowship applications
Full access to the U.Pittsburgh Office of Academic Career Development(https://www.oacd.health.pitt.edu/postdocs/programs)
Duties or Responsibilities:
Additional duties as assigned.
Assist with ordering of supplies as needed and general lab maintenance,including equipment maintenance.
Collect,prepare and analyze research data,including periodical pertinent scientific literature search,keep a detailed notebook summarizing experiments,record research data and maintain a computer database of research data.
Develop short and long term research plans to investigate the research questions in the major project assigned by the PI.
Format data for presentation and use graphical and statistical software(Graphpad Prism)to analyze and present data and participate/assist in manuscript writing for publication in scientific journals.Assist in grant writing.
Implement short and long term research plans,including performing and troubleshooting all required experiments.
Provide short and long term research support,specifically but not exclusively in the area of molecular biology,to the other members of the Neuroapoptosis laboratory team.
Supervise other personnel in the laboratory to coordinate research efforts for increased efficiency and participate in the training of fellows,residents,students,and interns as needed.
Application Instructions:
visit join.pitt.edu and View Requisition Number 22009243 to apply
学校校区位于宾夕法尼亚州第二大城市匹兹堡,与卡内基梅隆大学隔街相对,各学院分布在奥克兰区(Oakland),地理位置优越。校训格言是“真理与美德(Veritas et Virtus)”,吉祥物是美洲豹(Panther)。美国匹兹堡
校园坐落在奥克兰区,在宾州匹兹堡市区东边两英哩的地区,属于传统古老开放式校园,没有任何围墙。校园一半为平地一半为山坡地,主要建物在南边的平地上,医学大楼群以及体育馆群设施主要在北边的山坡平台上。平地以Fifth Ave与Forbes Ave两平行街道为主要范围。
除了环境优雅及广大校地之外,匹大最有名的建筑物是学习教堂Cathedral of Learning,楼高163米,42层楼高,1926年动土,1937年完成,是世界第二高教学大楼。除了是整个匹大主校区中心地标之外,也是著名观光景点。